It's Been Awhile...

As some of you kinky folks may have noticed, there was a little global pandemic the last couple years. What a hoot huh? We here at LeatherWood Studios, bunkered down and hunkered down and focused on the online selling world. During that time we evaluated what was working and what wasn’t. We learned the ins and outs of SEO and Tags and Keywords just in time for everything to change again. We thought we knew what a moving target was, but now, we well and truly know.

Making high quality leather and wood bondage gear is an odd, niche activity. As much as BDSM is on the fashion runways and in popular culture, there aren’t that many kinksters as a percentage of the population. That being said, those that are kinky, are seriously kinky. We make gear for them.

Our gear is made with the highest quality materials we can acquire. Stainless steel hardware, full grain leathers and skins. Exotic and domestic hardwoods that are selected by hand for beauty and durability.

If you value the time you spend with your kinky partners doing all the wonderful, terrible things we do, you will appreciate the thought and care we put into our wares.